do as i do

prototype pola necklace with trial chains and findings

i ask my students at parsons’ design and technology MFA program to keep a process blog. the department requires it, and i agree. reflecting on my day, on my projects, on my words and action has helped me develop as a person, a mother, a teacher, an artist.

i worked with an empowerment facilitator, Laura Fredrickson, for about a year. one of the things i learned from her is that the mind loves evidence. prior to each session, i found it a chore to document and track the changes i observed in myself, and any achievements. and yet. reflecting on these achievements somehow solidified them, gave them a “hook” to latch into the great web of my memories, or sense of self.

do as i say, do as i do, lead by example. here’s my summary of the creative week i’ve experienced:

811 Zine

  • new solicitations to two bookstores sent, complementary copy to aimée at Leslie Lohman Museum of Art sent.
  • possible launch event at Unnamable Books in Brooklyn! yay! responded to email inquiry and asked joanne if she might read an excerpt with us.
  • need to start on writing and design of issue02: feminist sculpture.


  • pola necklace still stuck in prototype land. purchased variety of chains and findings, spent a wad of ca$h, and i don’t like anything yet. the silver is too silver. the clasp hardware is too giant. the steel chains are too fine. i need to go IN PERSON to a findings/supply store. thinking of BeadKraft, 146 W 29th St 2nd Floor.
  • did a home photo shoot for the “hello yellow” colorway, looking good.
  • want to do a dedicated jewelry email newsletter! wish i could finish the necklace in time, but i think an october launch of the neon yellow and black colorways is all i can realistically handle.
  • email request sent to my 3D printer, Voxel Magic, to produce 10 pairs of black  in time for halloween. for color name, brainstorm with joyce? pay marcelina for a makeup shoot to do black earrings? but–limited budget ($0).


  • wrote a letter to my hero Dr Martin Shaw asking for advice. agonizing over sounding like a silly thing, but—no mind. got it done. move on.
  • i have done zero creative writing in weeks. maybe best not to get down on myself for that. i’ve got other things on my mind, September back-to-school is intense.


scribble sketch on paper
first use of color in scribble sketch, hesitant and silly qualities
  • rather mediocre sketch, my first in color… ever? i don’t even want to post it here.
  • is a list of one item a list? in information architecture, no.

Professional Development

  • postponed artist development meeting w/ Amanda until next Tuesday. i am disappointed but it gives me time to prep. 
  • i need to write my artist mission statement (gaaaaah).