the description of the changing months at the beginning of The Juniper Tree (Brothers Grimm) is beautiful. “a month went by, and the snow was gone…and two months, and everything was green.” Juniper is there, at the conception, and then during the second and third trimesters. the mother-to-be eats the berries “greedily”, then grows “sick… Continue reading them bones
Category: book club
in the opening of the Grimm Brothers’ The Faithful Animals, a man rescues three animals that had been held captive and forced to dance: a mouse, a monkey, and a bear. the wild does not like to perform. dance itself may be a wildness (my weekly flailing and carrying on at 5 Rhythms tells me… Continue reading wilding
diamonds and pearls
i am pleased that the man’s journey is of little consequence. it is only what happens before, and after. the journey is nothing, save for its dearth of singing, springing larks. If I gave you diamonds and pearls Would you be a happy boy or a girl – Prince and The New Power Generation, 1991… Continue reading diamonds and pearls
transformation and work
The male principle is the one that transforms – the beast – but the woman does all the work. so Meredith writes in her excellent post on The Summer and Winter Garden, Grimm’s Fairy Tale, a tale i didn’t like at all. My edition of the collection didn’t even have it, so i read it… Continue reading transformation and work
the gnome knows
in the Grimm’s Fairy Tale #91, The Gnome, i am intrigued by the themes of: this time, i really can’t focus on proof or truth. most of the characters take what is said as the truth: for example, the king’s three daughters tell exactly how they were freed (to a stove, no less), and the… Continue reading the gnome knows
What jewel?
Meredith and I proceed with our Grimm’s Fairy Tale book club. She wrote a reflection that really got me pumped, at once a light, quick, touch, and yet it covered a lot of ground. After reading this tale to myself, I read it aloud to my son. He and I were both surprised that the… Continue reading What jewel?
sun, moon, stars
in which Meredith and i respond to the tale Allerleirauh (All Fur) as collected by the brothers Grimm let me begin by stating how difficult it is to pronounce Allerleirauh for people with a lisp or short lingual frenulum (that little bit of skin attaching tongue to mouth). i was, as ever, intrigued by Meredith’s… Continue reading sun, moon, stars
two times two
in which Meredith and i respond to the tale The Two Brothers as collected by the brothers Grimm i was surprised at the length of the story: could it have stopped after the twins reached apprenticeship? so much magic had already happened! they had a trade, they found gold pieces underneath their pillows each night,… Continue reading two times two
2 months 7 days
i am relieved it is over. i didn’t write back to you, meredith, for 2 months and 7 days. i should wrap up my thoughts about Ani.Mystic, but instead i will write in response to your Last Ani*mystic post. 7 days – 2 months = 5 fingers i am electrified by your interest in mudras.… Continue reading 2 months 7 days
(w)holes in the fabric
i like the looks for that “w” it looks human, arms in orans–a word i learned yesterday. orans looks like this: i have started to use this posture in my morning prayer, it feels good. what didn’t feel good was slogging through this chapter–it felt interminable. i was intrigued by the blending of permaculture and… Continue reading (w)holes in the fabric