what is yellow?

we’ve been trying to find out. is there really such a thing? itch that skin, sugar drop. walk like your thighs love spandex, chemical compound-laced threads smick-smacking through the tall, tall grass. what is alive and how do you wrap it around your wrist; yellow is the knot that won’t slip. it swings through, leaving… Continue reading what is yellow?

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don’t be too long, now

if you have the word “chaos” in your email address or username, i don’t think we’ll be acquainted. sick abed, i shouldn’t pick out the bad seeds, but just eat all the people, pop ‘em like candy. when they’re out there on the scraggly lawn eating tacos and the occasional radish, i’m wiping lily pollen… Continue reading don’t be too long, now

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next time

after the half-fiasco of the final family vacation, i feel a little lonely to be by myself again. not enough to plunge me into grief, more like dipping my toes into a shallow puddle of despair. i built myself a nice shield to repel the steady rain of negative comments from my older siblings, and… Continue reading next time

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family vacation

so many forgotten or never learned(i, who should hold onto words,lips tightly around them)stay with me, don’t leavei want to describe this in my native tongue

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a survey of grooming habits on 49th

the midtown color palette is restricted to blue and whitewith the intensity of an in-flight magazine asphalt laughterdon’t-worry cleavage she’s too old for pigtails but keeps a firm grip on her email leaning out a window, comb forward and spray the thinner the heel, the less she eatsbuys another cool latte for the homeless

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approximately american, v1

my arms taste salty, there’s no escaping the humid drip of a summer afternoon. what better lunch could i offer myself than a refreshing peanut butter and jelly sandwich? as a child i wanted my mother to make them for me, just like all my american friends’ moms did. in our house, as in all… Continue reading approximately american, v1

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<160 Freestyle. that was a good documentary.

straight off the head and undirected –don’t need a book or explanation:a story plants a seed of everlastingonce upon my time there was a princess of distortion

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<160 good-bye party

after six vodka and sodas, i could hardly look at water.no, thank you. none for me. that was a mistake.woke up at 4.32am, thirsty.

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<160 new wife

lie down beside you & give a bruise to my foreheadthe light gauze of a mosquito net not romance, but necessity.“querido” three hard consonants make a soft word * in the morning i feel awkward leaving the sheets in a muss,have to be told several times the maid will take care of it.will she read… Continue reading <160 new wife

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